Tuesday 22 December 2015

The exhibiton

The place where the exhibition will be held is full of strong strings, on the walls and blue boards they have, to hold many artworks.
I put my final piece on a mannequin, and I would like to be presented that way on the exhibition as well. Maybe on a table or something similar. If that's not possible, I think another good idea is for my final piece to be hanged from on of the strings.

The necklace I made is a bit fragile, so it should be carried carefully in the exhibition, and placed somewhere high enough for kids to not have access on it.  

Sunday 13 December 2015

Craft paper and wire

- You can cut it like a normal paper
- You can draw on it

- You can paint on it
- It comes out in many different colours
- Its texture is like tin foil, but not as thin, and it can't be ripped as easy
 - It's hard to cut it with normal scissors, but still achievable
- It comes out in many different colours 
- It's easy to bend it 
- Difficult to make detailed small patterns with it

Thursday 10 December 2015


I made this sample by putting a coin I've made, in the intaglio printing pressing machine. Underneath the coin I placed some golden craft paper, so the patterns of the coin came out on the paper.

I like how the pattern seems like it's carved on the paper, Also, it has kept all the details from the original coin. 

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Coins samples

  My first attempt of making a coin for my necklace. I cut a circle out of cardboard and glued on it wire and threads. I used the wire to create the cross and the thread for the small circles. When I made sure the materials wouldn't come off, I covered the coin with gold craft paper.
I like the ending result, as the coin looks also old, like it's been through many hands. The only thing I would change is that instead of threads for the circles I would use wire again, because threads are not that solid, and the texture is not as good as with the wire.

The back of the coin in the small picture. I cut a circle of the gold craft paper and glued it on the back.

I tried to make another coin using paper as an alternative material for the details, but it didn't work very good. The paper is not solid enough, so the texture of the coin is not bold enough, and you can't understand what the details are exactly.