Monday 23 November 2015

Idea 2

The Hobbit except from a fantasy fairytale for kids, has many messages and meanings. The one I wanted to focus on is greed. Especially towards the end of the book, greed is obvious in many of the main characters.

  • The leader of the dwarfs gets blind by his desire for his one precious stone, and forgets everyone else's needs.
  • The dragon lays on his treasures, the most important things he has, guarding them.
  • The lord of Laketown in the finale battle cares only about himself and his valuable objects, without caring to save his people. 
So, regarding these, I decided to focus the theme of my project on greed. To combine many coins from all over the world.

I like all the different patterns on the coins. 

I used tracing paper to copy the imagery and text from an old english coin.

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